Telegram & Cable Co.
Telegram and Cable Co.

Securing Messages

Sending A More Secure Telegram

Secure bank vault in gray color

There is no concern if your Telegram message can be read, if the content is already encrypted.  To make this work the sender and receiver need to agree on two things:

  1. A coding key document that is short, original, unpublished, and "never scanned".
  2. An unwritten easy to remember encoding/decoding rule set that only the sender and receiver know.

The coding key document and the encoding/decoding rule set MUST be kept private, while the encrypted message can be made public.  With the rule set private and coding key not part of the digital world, the message is useless, even to all of the world's computers processing power combined.

Using the encoding rule set, each letter, space and punctuation mark is transposed into a digit group.  These digit groups are then sent to the recipient, who uses the same rule set to decode the digit groups back to the corresponding letter, space or punctuation mark.  Be sure to use a different encoding digit group for each repeat character, so that each use of an 'e' does not end up being the same digit group!

Let's say we want to send the message 'cat and mouse.'  Then we might select the book: Kraus, J. (1995). Big Ear Two: Listening for Other-Worlds (1st ed.). Cygnus-Quasar as the coding key and set the rules for each digit group to be PLCC, where . . .

PLCC=0-9Pages 120-129
PLCC=1-9 then 0Lines 1-10
PLCC=01-99 Character from left

Then 'cat and mouse.' would encode as . . .

7439  0906  1324  7211  3834  8101  9622  6018  4849  2320  6441  4435  5516  3209

Do not pick a coding key document that is a published source.  Why?  Because digitized published sources can be mined to attempt to decipher the message.


